Our Team

Welcome to Radius Recovery, where empathetic care meets unparalleled private at-home detox services. Our dedicated team of addiction experts is committed to guiding individuals through their journey to recovery from opioid addiction with sensitivity and professional know-how.

Clinical Leadership: Detox Physicians

Radius Recovery partners with esteemed detox physicians, often members of the American Society for Addiction Medicine (ASAM). These professionals are integral in prescribing essential medications for detoxification, ensuring comfort, and aiding in relapse prevention. We provide prompt access to medical care through our extensive network of detox physicians throughout the United States.

Safety and Comfort: In-Home Detox Nurses

Your safety and comfort are our foremost concerns. Our team of private duty registered nurses offers continuous care during the medical detox process, guaranteeing a secure and soothing experience in your own home. The founder of Radius Recovery, is the primary contact for prospective clients and their families. Moreover, our skilled nurse associates are ready to support in-home detox whenever necessary.

Experienced Leadership: Team Administration

Helming our administrative team is a seasoned health care executive with significant experience. Our team has decades of experience in personal recovery, with a profound understanding and compassion to the detox and recovery process. Confidentiality and respect for client privacy are key tenets of our team’s approach.

Comprehensive Support: Addiction Specialists

Radius Recovery collaborates with your current therapist or connects you with competent addiction specialists, including psychologists, social workers, and licensed alcohol and drug counselors. We carefully select these professionals to ensure compatibility and efficacy. Our team can also accompany you to your initial therapy session, fostering continuity of care.

Additional Support: Sober Companions

For certain cases, we offer therapeutic companions, sober companions, and sober coaches for added support. These professionals are available during the medical detox phase or on a short- or long-term basis to maintain sobriety. We have a trusted group of therapeutic companions and partner with esteemed Sober Companion services in both the East and West Coasts.

Embracing Support: Self-Help Groups

While Radius Recovery provides our 15 Step Home Detox Program, we also emphasize personalized treatment that leverages your strengths and preferences. We encourage participation in self-help groups and can guide you to meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon, and Smart Recovery.

At Radius Recovery, our mission is to offer compassionate, confidential, and tailored care as you commence your journey to recovery from opioid addiction. With our seasoned team of addiction experts, detox physicians, in-home detox nurses, and additional support resources, we are dedicated to assisting you at every stage. Begin your path to a brighter future with Radius Recovery.